How to Get to the Next Level

5 great tips on how to get the most out of your practice and how to get out of a slump when you feel your playing is not moving forward and that you’re not evolving as a guitarist.
Read more5 great tips on how to get the most out of your practice and how to get out of a slump when you feel your playing is not moving forward and that you’re not evolving as a guitarist.
Read moreThe Kemper profiling amp can emulate any physical amp and cab, and very well at that according to skilled people who have tried it. Now Kemper is releasing new versions of their amp – a rack mounted version and one with a built-in power amp.
Read moreFocusrite has released an audio interface with their award-winning preamp for guitar and microphone that has a special connector for iPads. For the mobile musician this could be the perfect compromise, but be aware of the limitations compared to Focusrite’s other interfaces.
Read moreSteinway, makers of Cubase and inventors of the VST standard, has release Cubasis. It’s an app version of Cubase for iPad with built-in effects, unlimited number of tracks and the functionality to export your tracks to the full computer-based version of Cubase.
Read moreThe guitar as an instrument is flawed by design. It’s difficult to keep in tune, and a traditional guitar neck actually cannot be intonated to completely play the correct tone on each fret. Ola Englund demos two inventions that were made to overcome these flaws – the Evertune bridge and the True Temperament neck.
Read moreLatency is the most common technical issue that affects a home studio. Just a small delay can make it impossible to play guitar when monitoring through your DAW. Here’s all about latency and what to do to decrease it to an absolute minimum.
Read moreEven if you are extremely busy or always on the go, you can get a lot done musically done with your iPhone or iPad. Here are the apps I use most to learn and create music.
Read moreThere are three basic ways of recording guitar: miking up an amp, use a digital amp modeller or direct input. The first two record a “wet” signal, with effects like distortion already present in the sound. The third records a “dry” signal with the signal unmodified as it comes from the guitar output jack. 1. […]
Read moreI was asked on a forum why you would bother connecting your guitar to your phone. Since you need a guitar and extra hardware anyway, why not just use a Pocket POD. So here are my 10 reasons why I use AmpKit on my iPhone: Sound quality is lightyears ahead on an iPhone. Less stuff. […]
Read more1. Filter out the low end When recording guitars some inaudible discord is always included in the low end. The only thing it does is collide with the bass, so filter it out. One way of doing it is adding a filter and raising the cutoff frequency until you hear a change in sound, and […]
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