New Years Resolution: Play More Guitar

With a hectic life as a parent of two and a demanding job, it’s often easy for me to sit down with the computer rather than play guitar when I have a moment of spare time. But this year is going to be different!
Read moreWriting Your First Song Part II: Recording and Arranging

This is the second part in a three part series. You find the first part here: Writing Your First Song Part I: Creating Riffs. When you have a bunch of riffs you need to arrange them into a song. A song normally has (all or some of) the following building blocks (borrowing a bit from […]
Read moreWriting Your First Song Part I: Creating Riffs

This is the first of a three part series about writing, recording and mixing your first song. I’m by no means an expert on the subject, but this will get you started. The obvious first obstacle is coming up with a song, writing the chords and notes. Composing, if you will. So where do you […]
Read more10 Great Gift Tips for Guitarists

Christmas is approaching, and if you have guitarists in your midst here are some great gift tips. Most of them require you know the reciever and some of his/her gear preferences (but don’t all great gifts build on knowledge of the person?). 1. Guitar Strap To be able to stand up and play, you need […]
Read morePractice Like a Child – Improving Your Phrasing

Have you been practising your scales, your picking and your bends like crazy and your solos are still crap? I know mine are… I found a post on guitar blog Guitar Noise that is really on to something. The answer is phrasing – the division of a solo into small parts, alternating between fast and […]
Read moreStage Fright

I have never had any problems speaking in front of a crowd. I’ve been a teacher and held classes for paying students with high demands. I’ve done impro in front of spectators without breaking a sweat (OK, maybe a little sweat). So why is it that I get nervous playing guitar with an audience? Every […]
Read moreNew Licks Are Eating My Fingers
I got loads of Adrian licks at the lesson on Saturday. They will give me an awesome pentatonic vocabulary, but it’s obvious my fingers are used to playing other things. Now they look like this:
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