Impressive JamUp Showoff

The JamUp iOS amp sim is recognized as one of the best, if not the best. Here’s a video where Jeff Loomis and Keith Merrow show what it’s really capable of!
Read moreThe JamUp iOS amp sim is recognized as one of the best, if not the best. Here’s a video where Jeff Loomis and Keith Merrow show what it’s really capable of!
Read moreI found a list of 10 great tips in an unexpected place – Wikihow. Wikihow is a collaborative site with how-to manuals on almost every subject, including writing thrash riffs apparently. The tips are simple but really very good and most of them can be applied to writing music in general. Here’s the list in […]
Read morePalm muting is really essential to most metal genres, and fast alt.picked palm muting even more so. I’ve really put time into my alt picking – practicing slowly with a metronome at first – really aiming at getting a consistent sound between upstrokes and downstrokes, and getting a good chug out of each note. It’s […]
Read more1. Filter out the low end When recording guitars some inaudible discord is always included in the low end. The only thing it does is collide with the bass, so filter it out. One way of doing it is adding a filter and raising the cutoff frequency until you hear a change in sound, and […]
Read moreAmpKit – my favorite amp modeller on the iPhone and iPad – has just been released in a new version, a completely free upgrade. If I would blog about each update on the app store I wouldn’t be doing anything else, but this is no regular update. Here’s the list of features (taken directly from […]
Read moreAs I’ve blogged about before, there are some really good amplifier simulators available as VST plugins. Leader of the pack is LePou’s virtual Rectifier, Soldano and Engl. If you have two or four rhythm tracks, making the same adjustments to all tracks or copying the plugins between them rapidly becomes very tedious. If in Reaper […]
Read moreEver wanted an overview of metal genres? Well, here’s one and its the coolest one I’ve seen: Map of Metal. Every major genre is displayed not only with relations to other genres, but also a description, history and example songs with audio and video links. Did I mention it looks amazing? You can even buy […]
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