Backup Strategy for Musicians

One of the worst things that can happen to you as a musician is losing your work because of computer theft or failure – here’s how to protect your files!
Read moreOne of the worst things that can happen to you as a musician is losing your work because of computer theft or failure – here’s how to protect your files!
Read moreThe newest version of Reaper (4.10) has an amazing new feature, found in some other DAWs – track freeze. Freezing a track means rendering it to a static sound file, the point of which is to save a lot of precious CPU cycles. I’ve done this manually before, mostly to be able to work on […]
Read moreI’ve already dubbed Reaper the best DAW – functionality, ease of use and value for money. Another cool thing is that you can do a portable install to a USB stick or a cloud file service, like DropBox. This can be very handy if you, like me, use Reaper on more than one computer and […]
Read moreThere are numerous ways to share your track – from communities like MySpace, SoundClick and Reverbnation to file sharing services such as DropBox or Sprend. And then there’s something in between – SoundCloud! Being both is an advantage and a drawback. Let’s start on the plus side. SoundCloud is really good because of: Modern technology: the […]
Read moreAmpKit is an iPhone-app for amp simulation and effects. In short, all you need (short of a chord) to transform you phone into a full-feature digital guitar rig like a POD or Boss GT. You connect your guitar using an adapter that fits into the headset port, like the iRig eller AmpKit Link, and you’re ready […]
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