How To Do Lead Guitar Harmonies

Having two guitars that play the same melody but at different intervals in a scale, you can create the same beautiful effect for your lead guitars that choirs use for vocal harmonies.
Read moreHaving two guitars that play the same melody but at different intervals in a scale, you can create the same beautiful effect for your lead guitars that choirs use for vocal harmonies.
Read moreEven if you are extremely busy or always on the go, you can get a lot done musically done with your iPhone or iPad. Here are the apps I use most to learn and create music.
Read moreI get this question a lot – how do you get started playing guitar? Learn From the Best Well, I’m clearly no expert – I didn’t really get started until I was 33. Luckily, there are numerous experts. One of the best is Justin Sandercoe, an Aussie living in London. His site,, is one […]
Read morePeter Hodgson at the I Heart Guitar blog has written a guest post for on how to get started on playing seven string guitars. What’s interesting about it is that it’s not just “let’s play the same but lower”, it is more of insights into how you can use the extra string to extend […]
Read morePower chords are three-string chords which use can use to play almost any rock or heavy metal song you can think of. You usually write them down as fives, like E5 that you play like this: E — B — G — D -2- A -2- E -0- The template for a power chord is […]
Read moreThere are numerous sites and phone apps to lookup chords, but there’s still a point to knowing the theory behind how chords are constructed. And it’s really not that hard. Pick a key and start with its major scale, and then just follow the templates to which notes of the scale are used in the different kinds […]
Read moreMost of us has learned our chords on regular six strings. With a seven in standard B tuning, the six high strings are the same a regular six string tuned to E, but it can be nice to add a tone to the low B where appropriate. Luckily, there’s an interactive chord generator for seven strings. […]
Read moreThere has been a lot of focus elsewhere for a while (small details such as buying and selling apartments, for one). I haven’t touched a guitar for six weeks. I was ambushed into playing Christmas songs with a relative yesterday, and it went really badly… :-p. We only played songs I’ve never played before and […]
Read moreI went to the guitar lesson yesterday pretty uninspired… I hadn’t found time to do my real homework, writing a new solo, so we didn’t really have anything planned. I was about to cancel, but decided to go anyway. It turned out a deep dive into modes with a lot of practical application! I had […]
Read moreYet another chord site. What makes this stand out is that it has suggested fingerings:
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