Optimizing Audio Latency and CPU Use in Reaper

Audio latency can ruin your home studio and recording experience – here’s how to make it go away, with specific tips for Reaper.
Read moreAudio latency can ruin your home studio and recording experience – here’s how to make it go away, with specific tips for Reaper.
Read moreGet the most out of your practice and focus by keeping a practice journal, directly on your iPhone or iPad – with the OSIRIS GUITAR Journal
Read moreWith no bassist and no bass guitar, you can still make bass tracks for your songs using a plugin in your DAW. Learn how to apply the mixing tips in the Systematic Mixing Guide bass chapter to a bass plugin to get a great bass tone.
Read moreThe LePou plugins are probably the most popular amp sim plug-ins around. The sound quality is awesome and they behave exactly like their physical counterparts, and furthermore they are free. They were just released in 64-bit versions for all platforms, and the impulse loader LeCab2 is now available for Mac.
Read moreThe JamUp iOS amp sim is recognized as one of the best, if not the best. Here’s a video where Jeff Loomis and Keith Merrow show what it’s really capable of!
Read moreSteinway, makers of Cubase and inventors of the VST standard, has release Cubasis. It’s an app version of Cubase for iPad with built-in effects, unlimited number of tracks and the functionality to export your tracks to the full computer-based version of Cubase.
Read moreAudiobus is a revolutionary app for iOS that lets you chain multiple audio apps. Select one app for input, route it through multiple apps processing the signal on its way to say a multitrack recording app serving as the output.
Read moreA web site called YouTab has just been launched. It has an interesting way of enhancing guitar tabs – it scrolls them in realtime with the song (has been done before) and syncs them with a video of the song. This is potentially a great tool for learning new songs. There are a few obstacles to […]
Read moreOne of the biggest annoyances for people switching to the 64-bit version of Reaper is that 32-bit plugins open in their own separate windows. But now there’s a solution to that problem! Newer versions of Reaper actually lets you choose the behavior of the GUI in bridged plugins – it’s just a bit tricky to find those settings.
Read moreLatency is the most common technical issue that affects a home studio. Just a small delay can make it impossible to play guitar when monitoring through your DAW. Here’s all about latency and what to do to decrease it to an absolute minimum.
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