Author Archives: osiris

New Gear Trend: iPhone Pedals

NAMM has come and gone and among millions of other gear news, I’ve spotted iPhone-related guitar pedals from at least three manufacturers. They are all “single-unit” stompboxes that go on your pedalboard with the rest of the pedals, but each of the three have a separate approach. iStomp Digitech’s iPhone pedal is called iStomp. It’s […]

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How I Built My First DIY Pedal

Building a pedal from a DIY kit was my christmas project. After carefully wishing I got a BYOC Ping Pong Delay kit. Although the instructions were good (mostly really good, but a little obscure in two places) and the BYOC forum is amazing with really helpful people I figured out a few things on my […]

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10 Great Gift Tips for Guitarists

Christmas is approaching, and if you have guitarists in your midst here are some great gift tips. Most of them require you know the reciever and some of his/her gear preferences (but don’t all great gifts build on knowledge of the person?). 1. Guitar Strap To be able to stand up and play, you need […]

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