Author Archives: osiris
How to Get Reaper to Load Brigded VSTs in the FX Window

One of the biggest annoyances for people switching to the 64-bit version of Reaper is that 32-bit plugins open in their own separate windows. But now there’s a solution to that problem! Newer versions of Reaper actually lets you choose the behavior of the GUI in bridged plugins – it’s just a bit tricky to find those settings.
Read moreSneap Talks Kemper
Master of production Andy Sneap talks about the Kemper profiling amp. God, I want one of those! :-). The fact that it looks like something out of a Russian nuclear silo control room only adds to the GAS.
Read more5 Tips to Increase Your Playing Speed

A high enough playing speed without getting sloppy is often the hardest thing to achieve as a beginner. Here are 5 great tips on how to get there!
Read moreOla Englund Demos Evertune and True Temperament

The guitar as an instrument is flawed by design. It’s difficult to keep in tune, and a traditional guitar neck actually cannot be intonated to completely play the correct tone on each fret. Ola Englund demos two inventions that were made to overcome these flaws – the Evertune bridge and the True Temperament neck.
Read moreLow Latency Audio Comes to Android – Will Amp Sims Follow?

With the latest Android OS version, 4.1 or popularly Jelly Bean, there is finally support for low-latency audio. Latency is the delay between the initiation of an audio event, like a sound being played by an app or a signal being fed into the phone, and the actual result – such as outputting the sound […]
Read moreGuitarJack 2 for iPhone Review

Since I reviewed the then-leading iOS guitar interfaces, a lot of new products have entered the market. One is the GuitarJack from Sonoma Wire Works. The nice people at Sonoma sent me the Guitar Jack model 2 for review for review. Overview The GuitarJack 2 is a docking-port interface like the Apogee Jam, unlike the […]
Read moreHow to Create Great Drum Patterns for Your Songs

If you do most of your playing at home and don’t have a band (my band is currently just two guitarists jamming on Sundays for instance, on break for the summer at that) but still want to make songs, you are going to be using virtual drums. You should consider yourself lucky, because nowadays there […]
Read moreLearning Guitar Setup and Maintenance

If you start playing guitar regularly you will inevitably be confronted with maintaining and adjusting your guitar. At the very least you will be changing strings (unless you’re like a guy I know who didn’t change strings on his strat for five years – not recommended!). If you’re not happy with your guitar setup or […]
Read moreWriting Your First Song Part III: Putting It All Together

This is the third and final part of a series. You’ll find the previous parts here: Writing Your First Song Part I: Creating Riffs Writing Your First Song Part II: Recording and Arranging The Other Instruments Having recorded your guitar tracks and decided the order of the different parts you are ready to put them […]
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