How to Get to the Next Level

5 great tips on how to get the most out of your practice and how to get out of a slump when you feel your playing is not moving forward and that you’re not evolving as a guitarist.
Read more5 great tips on how to get the most out of your practice and how to get out of a slump when you feel your playing is not moving forward and that you’re not evolving as a guitarist.
Read moreThe Kemper profiling amp can emulate any physical amp and cab, and very well at that according to skilled people who have tried it. Now Kemper is releasing new versions of their amp – a rack mounted version and one with a built-in power amp.
Read moreBuying your first guitar can be a daunting task. As a beginner, it’s difficult knowing even what questions to ask yourself. And should you buy a new guitar to get a warranty or get the most value for your money getting a preowned? Here are 5 great tips!
Read moreThe original iRig was one of the first and without a doubt the most popular of all iOS guitar interfaces. Since it was introduced a lot of competing products that plug in to the docking port with superior sound quality have emerged – so it’s only logical that IK Multimedia now releases the next generation iRig HD with connectors for both docking port and the new lightning port.
Read moreWith a hectic life as a parent of two and a demanding job, it’s often easy for me to sit down with the computer rather than play guitar when I have a moment of spare time. But this year is going to be different!
Read moreFocusrite has released an audio interface with their award-winning preamp for guitar and microphone that has a special connector for iPads. For the mobile musician this could be the perfect compromise, but be aware of the limitations compared to Focusrite’s other interfaces.
Read moreSteinway, makers of Cubase and inventors of the VST standard, has release Cubasis. It’s an app version of Cubase for iPad with built-in effects, unlimited number of tracks and the functionality to export your tracks to the full computer-based version of Cubase.
Read moreWith a day job and kids, how do you find time to practice? It can be a real challenge, but here are some good tips on how to make the ends meet.
Read moreAudiobus is a revolutionary app for iOS that lets you chain multiple audio apps. Select one app for input, route it through multiple apps processing the signal on its way to say a multitrack recording app serving as the output.
Read moreA web site called YouTab has just been launched. It has an interesting way of enhancing guitar tabs – it scrolls them in realtime with the song (has been done before) and syncs them with a video of the song. This is potentially a great tool for learning new songs. There are a few obstacles to […]
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