Author Archives: osiris

Interactive Frequency Map

A really useful map of the frequency range of different instruments, good to have when you are mixing. When you hover the mouse over different parts of the map it displays additional information about the instruments such as its generated frequencies and the ears ability to pick them up. You notice pretty much right away […]

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Music Academy Covers of My Curse

The Aaron O’Keefe Music Academy strikes again. I’ve blogged previously about them before, when they covered Cowboys From Hell. Looking back I can say I would have seriously considered going to a school with triple rectos as their standard gear :-).

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Chord Generator for 7 Strings

Most of us has learned our chords on regular six strings. With a seven in standard B tuning, the six high strings are the same a regular six string tuned to E, but it can be nice to add a tone to the low B where appropriate. Luckily, there’s an interactive chord generator for seven strings. […]

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I Made a Song

As my guitar lesson a couple of weeks ago we made a song! I brought a bunch of riff ideas to class and together with my guitar teacher I arranged them into a song. It was a real eye-opener even though the result was just a draft with a lot of cut-and-paste cheating. Since then […]

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The Kübler-Ross Model for Recording

All who have seen the Simpsons know of the Kübler-Ross model for coping with grief and tragedies (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance). I go through a similar process (albeit a bit more positive) each time I record my playing: 1) Expectation – during the actual recording session spirits are usually high, and it always sounds good […]

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SoundCloud – the Best Cloud Service for Music

There are numerous ways to share your track – from communities like MySpace, SoundClick and Reverbnation to file sharing services such as DropBox or Sprend. And then there’s something in between – SoundCloud! Being both is an advantage and a drawback. Let’s start on the plus side. SoundCloud is really good because of: Modern technology: the […]

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An iPad Control Surface for Your Home Studio

One of the most characteristic pieces of equipment in a studio is the gigantic control surface with a lever for each track. It might not be the first thing you put in your bedroom though. There are smaller control surfaces for home use, but they still take up space and cost at least €150 (and […]

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Practice, Practice a Lot, Practice Correctly

I stumbled across an interesting post at about practice (originally from The really short summary is that it’s about how to achieve quality when you don’t have the time to get it through quantity. A longer summary: Balance between different parts of the practice. This goes well with my own rule of thumb where […]

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