Author Archives: osiris

Reaper Track Freeze

Reaper Logo

The newest version of Reaper (4.10) has an amazing new feature, found in some other DAWs – track freeze. Freezing a track means rendering it to a static sound file, the point of which is to save a lot of precious CPU cycles. I’ve done this manually before, mostly to be able to work on […]

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Hardware Pedal for VST Amp Sims

SM Pro V-pedal

This might be the coolest thing I’ve seen in… well, a long while! A hardware pedal you can load your regular VST amp sims into and bring to rehearsal or a gig. To quote the manufacturer SM Pro: It’s no secret that some of the very best guitar tones and effects are now being created […]

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Build Your Own Pedal

Feeling handy for the coming holidays? One of my long-term ideas for a summer or christmas holiday projects is to build a guitar from parts. I think I’m going to start with a smaller project though – building an effects pedal (aka stomp box). There are a bunch of companies selling complete kits with metal […]

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