Impressive JamUp Showoff

The JamUp iOS amp sim is recognized as one of the best, if not the best. Here’s a video where Jeff Loomis and Keith Merrow show what it’s really capable of!
Read moreThe JamUp iOS amp sim is recognized as one of the best, if not the best. Here’s a video where Jeff Loomis and Keith Merrow show what it’s really capable of!
Read moreThe Kemper profiling amp can emulate any physical amp and cab, and very well at that according to skilled people who have tried it. Now Kemper is releasing new versions of their amp – a rack mounted version and one with a built-in power amp.
Read moreAudiobus is a revolutionary app for iOS that lets you chain multiple audio apps. Select one app for input, route it through multiple apps processing the signal on its way to say a multitrack recording app serving as the output.
Read moreMaster of production Andy Sneap talks about the Kemper profiling amp. God, I want one of those! :-). The fact that it looks like something out of a Russian nuclear silo control room only adds to the GAS.
Read moreLatency is the most common technical issue that affects a home studio. Just a small delay can make it impossible to play guitar when monitoring through your DAW. Here’s all about latency and what to do to decrease it to an absolute minimum.
Read moreEven if you are extremely busy or always on the go, you can get a lot done musically done with your iPhone or iPad. Here are the apps I use most to learn and create music.
Read moreSince I reviewed the then-leading iOS guitar interfaces, a lot of new products have entered the market. One is the GuitarJack from Sonoma Wire Works. The nice people at Sonoma sent me the Guitar Jack model 2 for review for review. Overview The GuitarJack 2 is a docking-port interface like the Apogee Jam, unlike the […]
Read moreUsing software amplification simulators, or amp sims for short, is becoming increasingly popular. The benefits are many, you can tweak your sound endlessly, switch between different amp sims trying to find the best tone for your song. A drawback is that an amp sim not properly tuned can generate digital artifacts giving away that it’s […]
Read moreRemember how I urged bands to sell us, the unorganized global league of bedroom guitarists making covers, official multi-stem backing tracks? Well, apparently something is happening is that department! One of the pioneers in this area is Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails, who have released stems for their songs under the creative commons license […]
Read moreThere are three basic ways of recording guitar: miking up an amp, use a digital amp modeller or direct input. The first two record a “wet” signal, with effects like distortion already present in the sound. The third records a “dry” signal with the signal unmodified as it comes from the guitar output jack. 1. […]
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