5 Tips to Increase Your Playing Speed

A high enough playing speed without getting sloppy is often the hardest thing to achieve as a beginner. Here are 5 great tips on how to get there!
Read moreA high enough playing speed without getting sloppy is often the hardest thing to achieve as a beginner. Here are 5 great tips on how to get there!
Read moreI stumbled across an interesting post at Metalguitarist.org about practice (originally from jamplay.com). The really short summary is that it’s about how to achieve quality when you don’t have the time to get it through quantity. A longer summary: Balance between different parts of the practice. This goes well with my own rule of thumb where […]
Read moreI got loads of Adrian licks at the lesson on Saturday. They will give me an awesome pentatonic vocabulary, but it’s obvious my fingers are used to playing other things. Now they look like this:
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